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Sample of Dallas skyline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  v Summary of your request
  City Newark
  State New-Jersey
  National park
  Point of interest
  Number of pictures 4
v 4 Photos of Newark, New-Jersey
Newark :
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Newark : Scene from Newark Liberty International Airport. Something we will never see again there, the twin towers are gone and Continental Airlines also ceased to operate DC-10s in 2003... If you look at the left bottom of the picture you will see the Empire State Building, which is hopefully still there today !
Scene from Newark Liberty[..]
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Newark : Defrosting of a Northwest Douglas DC.9-51 on an early and cold morning from the passenger's perspective. It took more than an hour to clear the old girl of the layers of ice. Afar, some of the harbour's gigantic cranes provide for the skyline
Defrosting of a Northwest[..]
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Newark :
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 USA Pictures - Picturing AMERICA - Guyzoline contact@usa-pictures.com